ICFP 2017 Programming Contest VM ================================ Log into the virtual machine as user "punter" with password "icfp2017". The root password is also "icfp2017". Note that during the contest your program will be evaluated on a standard user account and will not have root permissions. In addition the VM can be accessed by using 'ssh punter@localhost -p 2222'. The VM comes in OVA format, which is supported by VirtualBox, VMWare and other virtualization software. The VM by default has 4GB of RAM and 2 CPUs. You can adjust these values to better match your host machine. The operating system installed on the VM is Debian 9, with no swap partition. You could add one on your own but if you really need it then this is an indication that you are in trouble --- there will be a limit on memory usage during solution evaluation. Below is a list of software currently installed on the VM and available during the contest. The VM can be downloaded from either of the following links: * https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B55cBtUdD6_uQklkTnRubFltQjQ * https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtBAU3fttpIOkPgkMGFFzTPxsUiYkg * http://icfp.isefs.uni-due.de/icfp2017-contest-2017_08_03.ova (please use sparingly) ## Programming languages and compilers * Agda 2.5.2 * Bash 4.4.12 * C (gcc 7.1.0) * C# (mono-mcs * Clojure 1.8.0 * COBOL (OpenCobol 1.1.0) * Common Lisp (sbcl 1.3.19) * C++ (g++ 7.1.0) * D (gdc 6.4.0) * Dotnet 2.0.0-preview2-006497 * Elixir 1.5.0-1 * Erlang 9.0 * F# 4.1 * F* * Forth (gforth 0.7.3) * Fortran (gfortran 7.1.0) * Haskell (GHC 8.0.1) * Go 1.7.6 * Groovy 2.4.8 * Idris 1.0 * Java (JDK 1.8.0u141) * JavaScript (nodejs 8.2.1) * Kotlin 1.1.3-2 * Links 0.6.1 (invoke as "rlwrap linx") * LLVM + Clang 3.8 (clang-3.8) * LLVM + Clang 4.0 (clang-4.0) * OCaml 4.04.1 * Perl 5.24.1 * PHP 7.0.20-2 * Picat 2.1#3 * Prolog (SWI Prolog 7.2.3) * Python (python: 2.7.13+, python3: 3.5.4rc1, python3.6: 3.6.2) * PyPy 5.8.0 * Pyret (compiled from git repository; located in $HOME/pyret-lang) * R 3.4.1 * Racket 6.9 * Ruby 2.3.3p222 * Rust 1.17.0 * Scala 2.12.2 * Scheme (MIT Scheme 9.1.1) * Standard ML (MLton 20130715, SML of New Jersey 110.79) * Tcl 8.6 * TeX (TeX Live 2017/Debian) * Z3 4.4.1 * Zsh 5.3.1 ## Editors * emacs 24.5.1 * nano 2.8.6 * vim 8.0.550 ## Libraries * Boost * libgmp * Python3-{pip,virtualenv,umpu,scipy,pandas,sklearn} * zlib ## VCS * darcs 2.12.5 * git 2.13.3 * mercurial 4.0 * subversion 1.9.6 ## Tools * automake 1.15.1 * bazel 0.5.3 * cabal * cargo 0.18.0 * cmake 3.9.0 * cmake-curses-gui 3.9.0-1 * gdb 7.12-6 * gnu parallel 20161222 * gradle 3.2.1 * lldb 3.8.1 * ivy 2.4.0-3 * make 4.1 * maven 3.3.9 * npm 5.3.0 * opam 1.2.2 * sbt * stack 1.4.0 * valgrind 3.13.0